Domain Registration Price in Bangladesh 2025 - Domain, Web Hosting and Web Design in Bangladesh

Domain Registration Price in Bangladesh 2025

A domain is an identity name of an individual or any company and organization in the internet world to reach internationally and being known to the people online or even offline. We are living in a digitally aware space and accustomed to the smart devices from eat to sleep. Domain name can identify various ways of a specific person or industry in the internet boundary and any one can find that identity using online services like search engine, social media and blogs or even on yellow pages. Want to enlarge your business or to reach more people globally you must need a domain name and hosting service to launch and promote your website. An organization that control and manage the TLD (Top Level Domain) is known as a domain name Registry, eg – VeriSign. An organization accredited by The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers aka ICANN that sells domain to the public or registrant is known as Registrar, one of the popular registrar in the world is 1&1. A Registrant could be a person or a company or an organization who registers a domain name from a Registrar.


There are several renowned ICANN accredited Registrars are available in the worldwide but in nationwide in Bangladesh we can talk about a fewer of them. You can easily register your desired domain name (if available) from any local or global domain hosting service provider. Suppose, you are going to purchase your desired dot com (.com) domain name from or and it will costs $19.53 and $13.98 as regular and renewal price but proposal costs in the 1st year neatly $5.74 and $8.98. Therefore it is very concerning for some registrants while domain renewal closing nearer. In this case domain registration price in Bangladesh is so cheap and hassle free. If you are going to buy your desired available dot com (.com) domain from Cyber Developer BD it will cost $11.27 or 950 BDT yearly and also renewal. In this step it’d be comparable how cheap and reliable is buying a domain name from this well known domain hosting service provider in Bangladesh.


Best Domain Registration Company in Bangladesh


Best Domain Registration Company in Bangladesh

Best Domain Registration Company in Bangladesh

Want to create a website and grow your blog or business online? You need a renowned and popular domain hosting service provider in Bangladesh. Cyber Developer BD can fulfill your desired idea to create fabulous website within the cheap budget. Since 2012, this company has started their journey of domain hosting service. Happily giving their wonderful service to the customers and happy faces growth figures are sound good.

Within this time there are various customers from different places are taking their valuable service from Cyber Developer BD and they’re enjoying it. If you are looking for best domain hosting registration company in Bangladesh, in eyes closed you can choose Cyber Developer BD and would get their experienced services according to your need.  You can find out several domain hosting companies that are providing service in Bangladesh. But once you’ll get the greatest and expert customer support and valuable advice to expanding your service and promote your business to grow more in the online industry you’ll remind the name Cyber Developer BD.


How to choose best domain registration company?


How to choose best domain registration company?

How to choose best domain registration company?


In the village side there several large or small numbers of ponds are available to fit the villager’s water trust and cleansing. Sometime these ponds are used to feed the people by fish firming, not all of the ponds are viable farming or drinking water solution but fewer can feel the gaps. In domain hosting service industry there are several companies are providing the pure service as a friend in need is a friend indeed. To choose best domain registration company we put down some important notes.


Company Age:


This is very much important first thing to verify how long the domain hosting service company provided their service and the when it was established. Here we can see, Cyber Developer BD is establish in the beginning of the year 9 January, 2012 and provides happy customer service since then. In this long time this domain hosting service provider fulfilled and helped their customer by giving the best, trustworthiness, reliable and experienced services. Therefore, this is very much notable matter is how long a domain hosting service company been providing the service to the customers? Is the company that old enough or new in the market place to take their service as much liable?


Customer Support:


In the second term to know the company condition and terms of service that keep the company service active and how they handle their client during any issue or problem. Most of the reliable and dedicated domain hosting company put the effort to provide the best and excellent customer support by their support expertise. They can handle any kind of domain hosting related issue by giving 24/7/365 support via live chat, over the phone, texts, email and also support ticket. Cyber Developer BD has all of these support facilities and customer support stuffs.


Full Domain Control:


You can get full domain control after purchasing your desired domain name from a popular and authentic domain registration company. It depends of the company’s service process and activities. Most of the time a well known company will provide and give you the full domain control. But in the worst case a new company or even an individual would not give you the full access of you purchased domain name or even the domain control that is your right to get. Cyber Developer BD provides full domain control to the domain registrants. Furthermore, this would be the best decision to purchase your selected dot com (.com), dot net (.net) or dot org (.org) domain name from an old and renowned domain hosting provider and they will hand over your domain full control, with that you fully control your domain related features and functionalities.


Physical Office:


One of the relevant points of a domain hosting registration company is the company’s physical office. In the physical office of the company, employees can do their official activities and contribute to their delicate services for the customers. It would be great to see an office is gradually beautified by exclusively decorated and well equipped environment to provide their service in a scheduled time. Like other corporate office or general office Cyber Developer BD has the great official environment and modern office facilities are available to serve its purpose. It has 24/7 electricity and broadband internet support. For relax there’s a restroom and easy seats to take rest during the work break, including free hot coffee and teas as self service. A well known repudiated office has all of this kind s of facilities and utilities.


Cyber Developer BD trusted domain registration service provider:


Since 2012 Cyber Developer BD still provides their service with trust and loyalty. Other than that Cyber Developer BD just provide the trust as a product as helping hand to solve the customer’s problem. The motto is Cyber Developer BD is to gain the trustworthiness as a product not the domain hosting service. In this long term of service Cyber Developer BD provides the best and top notch valued products to ease the need of the customers with excellence and trustful effort. There are many other domain hosting service providers has domain registration issue of hideout or often heard that registrant won’t get their full domain control on the hand in a regardless worst ratio to loss the valuable domain name forever. Cyber Developer BD put the trust on your hand and handover the full domain control to its holder. So, you can say the name Cyber Developer BD trusted domain registration service provider.


.com (dot com) Domain Price in BD:


According to the international domain hosting market place and current world situation foreign currency is a hike on fire. Dot com (.com) domain price in the international market place is too costly, but Cyber Developer BD put the cost in a reasonable price that one can purchase the desired domain name at 950 BDT or 11.87 USD. Therefore .com (dot com) Domain Price in BD is so cheap and reasonable to purchase a domain name.

Currently there are several domain extension offers available on Cyber Developer BD. Here is the brief of some domain offers, cost of .info (dot info) 5 USD or 400 BDT for the first year, .biz (dot biz) costs 6.64 USD or 531.2 BDT, .club (dot club) costs 8.46 USD or 531.2 BDT, .mobi (dot mobi) costs 4.83 USD or 386.4 BDT. Including the free domain offers with cPanel or DirectAdmin SSD shared hosting yearly package plans. Free domains are .pw (dot pw) which is costs 1.5 USD or 120 BDT and .fun (dot fun) costs 1.8 USD or 144 BDT.


.xyz (dot xyz) Domain Price in BD:


Another free offer of domain is .xyz (dot xyz) with the yearly SSD cPanel and DirectAdmin shared hosting packages. The .xyz (dot xyz) domain offer price is 1.8 USD or 144 BDT, regular and renewal price is 14.99 USD or 1200 BDT. Various benefits to choosing one of the most modern generic top level domain aka gTLDs like .xyz (dot xyz) such as represent the new generation, none industry specified, none geo locked and anyone can register. Currently there is an offer of free .xyz (dot xyz) domain for one year under Cyber Developer BD on purchase yearly cPanel and DirectAdmin SSD hosting package plans.

A personal portfolio, small business holder or personal website or even variety of websites, .xyz (dot xyz) is the most relevant domain extension to use case scenario nowadays. It is easy to remember and represent the generation that internet technology grew within the grown up in the late 1960s are the member of the generation X, Y, Z.


BD Domain Price:


BD Domain Price

BD Domain Price

In Bangladesh, the government of the People’s Republic Bangladesh provides the (dot com dot bd) domain service by the Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited aka BTCL. This government service provider company has the total authority and control on (dot com dot bd) domain. They can choose and give the permission that one can use the domain extension within the official paperwork, some deed and legal documentations, without those paperwork one can’t get the Country Code Top Level Domain aka CCTLD. Individual or any Bangladeshi company can use (dot com dot bd) and to purchase using Trade License and NID scan copies as paperwork. But others .bd (dot bd) extensions like (edu dot bd), (gov dot bd) or (mil dot bd) are restricted to its official holder by the law and to use that individual or any agency or even company needs official clearance order from the board, business trade license and NID scan copies to verify and paperwork to get the access.

Cyber Developer BD also provides (dot com dot bd) via BTCL under 30 USD or 2200 BDT for the first year and included service charge. To complete registration of a (dot com dot bd) domain would take up to seven (07) working days. With all of the paperwork and to fulfill the working procedure the domain hosting company needs the individuals business trade license and NID scan copies are submitted to BTCL and follow up to make sure that the desired domain name is registered in timely manner and all of the provided information are truly correct. After completing all of the paperwork procedure and system process are done to hand over all ownership paper with the domain control. Price:


Any individual or company can use for commercial entities & purposes and (dot com dot bd) domain and it costs 30 USD or 2200 BDT for the first year. Any local business or person can purchase this domain extension. Price:


This extension is restricted to Bangladeshi Internet Service Provider’s infrastructure. Any Internet service provider lives in Bangladesh and doing the local or nationwide business are allowed to purchase (dot net dot bd) otherwise none other entities can purchase this .bd extension. The (dot net dot bd) domain and it costs 30 USD or 2200 BDT for the first year. Price:


None profit organization can use this (dot org dot bd) domain extension. NGOs are eligible to purchase and get the (dot org dot bd) domain for the non government organized works. The (dot org dot bd) domain and it costs 30 USD or 2200 BDT for the first year. Price:


Any Bangladeshi educational institute, college and university can purchase (dot edu dot bd). This domain extension is restricted to the educational institute and to get this domain extension the institute body has to submit the clearance order from their behalf of the board, trade license and NID scan copies of the individual that management the institute. The (dot edu dot bd) domain and it costs 30 USD or 2200 BDT for the first year. Price:


This .bd domain extension is officially restricted to any government working purposes. Only government can hold the power of (dot gov dot bd) domain extension to the official enclosed works or managements.

And to use (dot gov dot bd) domain needs various government approvals and paperwork. It costs 30 USD or 2200 BDT for the first year.


In the end, we are reached at the final chapter of the domain registration price in Bangladesh. Cyber Developer BD is one of the best and top class domain registration companies that provide the best domain registration price in Bangladesh. The domain purchase costs are reasonably cheap on Cyber Developer BD if you differentiate to the other available domain hosting service providers in Bangladesh. This renowned hosting service company gives the priority and valued the customer’s need to provide cheap and reasonable domain price in Bangladesh. Therefore you can easily purchase your desired domain name and domain extension from Cyber Developer BD, any time anywhere.

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