Web hosting services becoming the most important thing day by day. All modern businesses are dependable on online services. If you have a business you must need to appear on the web to gain publicity. Technically all types of businesses are now dependent on the online platform. Therefore everyone needs a website to run their business online. In the meantime, lots of web hosting companies […]
In the web hosting service industry we are often listen to cPanel shared hosting, DirectAdmin cheap shared hosting, managed VPS hosting service, reseller hosting, cloud shared hosting, dedicated server hosting etc. There is an local hosting service provides by the web hosting service named BDIX hosting aka Bangladesh Internet Exchange hosting service. There are lots of question and asking about BDIX and BDIX hosting service. […]
WordPress is one of the most popular and user friendly content management system worldwide. To create a website using WordPress CMS and then you need to put that on web hosting service to express the site outlook. WordPress CMS that powers the 43% of website around the globe besides Drupal and Joomla. For WordPress CMS based website you need to choose a better web hosting […]
Looking for the best and the top 10 best domain hosting companies in Bangladesh? Fortunately here we are answering the best top 10 domain and web hosting companies in Bangladesh that what you are looking for and you are welcome. Anyone can build a personal website or a blog or even portfolio and a web server to put. S/he needs an experienced, take responsibility and […]
Best web hosting? Cyber Developer BD is the best in Bangladesh. Introduction: 2025 is the one step ahead of the digitalized world in the current spectrum. The most and viable public appearance in this digitalization is the World Wide Web. In the term of presence everyone needs to identify oneself in the web and have to create website for personal identity across the […]
What Is Domain & Hosting? Although domain and web hosting are correlated with each other, the two offer different services. Through web hosting, you can develop and store content on internet servers such as websites. On the other hand, domain hosting lets you include domain names that enable visitors to access your web content. What Is Hosting? Web hosting is a provider that gives physical […]
Dear Customer, Greetings from Cyber Developer BD. We recently get notice from domain register about upcoming Price Hike for New Domain Registration, Renew and Transfer. As a domain registration service provider, we are making sure to keep the price impact minimum. Kindly note the new prices effective from 1st February 2020. As per this price revision all New Registrations, Transfers and Renewals order placed on […]
Get SSD hosting with only $0.20 | Validity 1 Year Offer is valid till 31/12/2019, Only 1st 200 Order will applicable for this offer. So hurry up!! What you will get in this offer? ✪ 1 GB SSD Hosting ✪ 30GB monthly Bandwidth ✪ Free SSL Certificate ✪ Unlimited Sub Domains ✪ CloudLinux Operating System ✪ Softaculous App Installer ✪ MariaDB Database Server ✪ NGINX […]
Super Discount Offer on Black Friday 2019 | Up to 80% Off! Valid till November 30, 2019 DirectAdmin Based Web Hosting 80% Off Coupon: 5X2XVY2YQC cPanel Based Web Hosting Combo Offer (45% Off, Free Domain, Free SSL Certificate) Coupon: BlackFriday19 DirectAdmin Based Reseller Hosting 50% Off Coupon: DAReseller50 SSD VPS 30% Off Coupon: BFVPS19 Domain Registration Offer Register Your .com Domain with only […]
Are you looking for web hosting offer? Get 50% discount on all of our cheap shared hosting plan. Our cheap web hosting plan includes SSD storage and Litespeed server. Get web hosting with only $8.13 for 1 year. Discount offer is limited time only. So order your hosting plan today. Web Hosting Discount Offer Details Standard Hosting Plan: $8.13/1 Year 1 GB Disk Space, […]